Published on 25/06/2019
Calisureños Champions Cup Serial Dos Mares - Loreto

Hotels, restaurants and companies dedicated to sport fishing in Loreto, are fully ready to welcome the participating teams in the Grand Final of the Sport Fishing Serial "Dos Mares Cup of Champions Calisureños 2018", to be held on August 11 and 12 2018.
"We are very happy that Loreto is once again the Place for the grand finale of this event and we know that all the families that come to spend this weekend will enjoy the hospitality, natural beauty and cultural wealth that our Magical Town has to offer" affirmed the Mayor of Loreto Arely Arce Peralta.
The tournament will be held in the port of Loreto, with the participation of more than 120 teams, among which there will be teams of the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja California, as well as California US.
Definitely this event is expected to be one of the best in the entire state.

Oliver Heldt

Linda L

Mike B






Malu Yunez