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Published on 03/03/2020

The Best Way to Get to Loreto Mexico from Cabo San Lucas

Get To Loreto Mexico From Cabo San Lucas

Traveling within Mexico is one of the best ways to see the country and all it offers. Even along the same coast, the different destinations throughout the country are distinct, each offering a unique variety of activities and attractions for all sorts of travelers. If you are like countless others looking for transportation from Cabo to Loreto, peruse these easy ways to visit both destinations on the same trip.

How Far is Loreto from Cabo San Lucas?

The distance between Cabo San Lucas and Loreto Mexico is only 233 miles (376 km) how the crow flies, or 316 miles (509 km) on the road. The relatively short distance is one of the reasons why so many travelers opt to visit both cities on their trip to Mexico. With easy access to Cabo San Lucas to Loreto flights, car rentals, and alternative transportation, more and more are making the trip. 

Transportation from Cabo to Loreto

Transportation from Cabo to Loreto comes with a number of different price points and schedules, each depending on the tastes and needs of travelers. There are budget friendly options, like taking the bus or renting a car, and numerous flights from Cabo San Lucas to Loreto. While each mode of transportation has its benefits and drawbacks, all options are relatively simple.

Is there a bus from Cabo to Loreto Mexico?

Yes! There are buses that leave both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo and head to Loreto daily. The trip takes anywhere from 9 to 15 hours, depending on the number of stops the bus makes along the way. Aguila is one of the most popular bus companies with routes between the two cities and they typically have departures twice a day. Taking a bus from Cabo to Loreto will cost you just north of $1,000 pesos, but you’ll find the trip well worth it.

Driving from Cabo to Loreto

Taking a taxi or driving from Cabo to Loreto are excellent ways to get from one destination to the next. Driving allows you the freedom to make pit stops along the way, visit other towns if you so choose, or avoid the unnecessary stops of taking the bus to Loreto.

If you are thinking about driving on your own, it is important to consider how far Loreto is from Cabo San Lucas. If you plan on making no additional stops, it takes a little under six and half hours along the Transpeninsular Highway. This route is both safe and fairly easy for those who have never navigated the roads in Mexico given that driving from Cabo to Loreto requires almost no turns. The Transpeninsular Highway runs directly between the two destinations, making it almost impossible to get lost. 

While nothing is as cheap as taking the bus to Loreto, taking a taxi or rental car is a budget-friendly option. Rental car prices vary by company and depend on how long you wish to stay. Just be careful, Loreto Mexico is such a majestic place, you may never want to return.

Flights from Cabo San Lucas to Loreto

If you are looking for the best way to get from one destination to the next, just ask yourself “How long is the flight from Cabo San Lucas to Loreto?” When you find the answer, you’ll be convinced that taking Cabo San Lucas to Loreto flights might not be the best way to go. 

How long is the flight from Cabo San Lucas to Loreto?

Domestic flights from Cabo San Lucas to Loreto take anywhere from 8 to 17 hours, largely due to the fact that no airlines fly directly between the two destinations. Given the higher price tag and longer itinerary, you may prefer driving from Cabo to Loreto instead.

If you are set on flying, the trick to finding shorter Cabo San Lucas to Loreto flights is not to be stuck on flying out of Cabo itself, instead opting to get a flight from La Paz, a town a few hours away. From La Paz, flight to Loreto are just a short 45 minutes, making this the most time friendly option, although it does come at a higher price. The perk? Getting to see a bit more of the Mexican countryside on your way to La Paz and getting to Loreto, the ultimate destination, faster. 

When you consider how far is Loreto from Cabo San Lucas, you can begin to understand why so many are opting to spend a few days of their trip in the quieter, awe-inspiring town of Loreto. While Cabo has its draw, Loreto is without a doubt one of the most spectacular destinations on Mexico’s coast.